275. Going through the motions

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Do you ever feel like you're just going through the motions? Just a bit disconnected from it all? That's how I've felt lately. I'm trying to be creative and work on my fiction, but with all that has happened the last few weeks, the words just aren't coming. I had a good start with the mentor program as well, and I know I'll get back on track. I never really realized how a much a huge part of my life my cat was, and now that he is gone, it is a bit weird. I'm still hoping he finds his way home, but with each day that passes I'm feeling a bit that is going to be less likely to happen.

With the Olympics, my schedule is a bit lighter work wise, and I am taking advantage of that. I'll only have one truly heavy night this week, and that is Wednesday night with a lot of good shows on with new episodes. Lost, Bones and American Idol.

Am I the only one that isn't all that thrilled with this season's American Idol. I'm just not enjoying it as much. I'm hoping things improve once we know who the top twelve are and the competition goes to the American public for their votes. That is tomorrow night. I do have a few favorites, and I was glad to see most of them included.

I'm really trying to get back into things. 2006 just hasn't worked out as I hoped it would so far. I hope you're all well.


Sounds like you’ve definitely got the blues, Gina. It’s certainly understandable with the loss of your little cat. I imagine dealing with the uncertainty makes it even more difficult. It’s amazing just how endearing and beloved our pets become.

I know that when you’re going through a bad time it’s hard to be positive because there just doesn’t seem to be any end to the crap going on in your life. And hearing upbeat bits of advice or wisdom from people who want to help is like fingernails on a chalkboard. You just want to tell them to GO AWAY!

Having said that, *ggg* truly and honestly, Gina, this is going to pass and things will be much better for you soon. My one tiny piece of advice to help brighten your spirits is to make sure you watch plenty of comedy on TV. Movies, sitcoms, stand-up, etc., hilarious stuff that really makes you laugh. Maybe go rent some favorites at Blockbuster. And read stories that make you laugh, too. The power of laughter as medicine is incredible. It can help drag a person out of the blues faster than anything else.


Oops, sorry. That was the sound of fingernails on the chalkboard. LOL

Okay. I’m going away now. ;-)

Regina Avalos said...

Thanks for the advice, Daisy. Since my professional writing right now is in the entertainment field with a focus on television and movies, I watch way too much television as it is. All part of the job though!

Hi Gina, so sorry about your cat. Hope things get better soon!

Anonymous said...

Hugs on the cat!

As for AI, I really enjoyed the little cowboy Garret. He couldn't sing, but he was such fun to watch.

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