You never know ...

Friday, June 06, 2008

How much work it can take to promote a new website or blog. You want people to read and visit your site, but they won't do that unless you let them know about it. There are traffic exchanges, Entrecard, social bookmarking sites like digg and stumbleupon, search engines and many other methods of getting traffic to your sites. It all takes work from you. The past few weeks I've been out promoting my new blog, Celebrity Today. It just going to hit a month old in a few days and I've been really working to promote it. There are a lot of methods to use. I'm just learning all about social bookmarking sites and how they work to get you visitors, and I'm trying to use those as much as I can.

Entrecard has been a big help though. I've started using firefox as my main browser in the last couple of weeks, and using Firefox with a few of its extensions, I've learned how to drop 300 cards a day on various sites. It takes a bit of time, but I focus on those that will follow my drop back to me and those within my blog's category. Entrecard can work for you if you learn how to use it right. I've tried different methods, and I think I finally found the best to work for me. There are so many great blogs out there, a lot that cover celebrity news and gossip. I'm just trying my own place in all of it. That will take some time, but hopefully not too much time!


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