284. Update on Mikey and Writing

Thursday, March 16, 2006

First off, Mikey says hello. I took this a couple of hours ago. I found a different web cam capture program that worked a bit better than the one I was using. He's been here at home over forty-eight hours now, and he's doing well. Other than one accident, a little eye muck, and an upset tummy because he had been digging into the older's cat food, Mikey has been completely fine.

He was too young to give him some of his vaccinations. Some you can't give until he's at least ten to twelve weeks old, so I was told to keep an eye on him since he's only going to be seven weeks old. What people don't know is I'm the type of person to look at my cats if they even sneeze. So every thing Mikey has done over the last couple of days has me heading over to google and reading several sources. I know you can go overboard, but I'm just making sure everything will move along well with the new addition to the family.

He's an active little guy though. No sneezing, and the eye muck is a normal color. He is always near me, and he is getting along with the rest of the family just fine. This morning he woke me up at 8am biting and scratching my head and other places. He wanted attention. Little did he know that I went to bed at 3am.

Last night, I put the last period on the current work in progress I've been working on since September's failed submission. I took the suggestions the editor made, and it turned into totally different story. I would have had it done sooner, but I was working on another work in progress, and my non-fiction writing took precedence. Things are finally slowing a bit with the season of the television nearing its end soon, so I'm hoping to really tackle things this summer.

I've been working with this current work in progress with my mentor the last month and a half, as I've mentioned before, and she's giving me some great suggestions as well. Now that I have sort of have an end, I can work on polishing it and submitting it again. I've already decided which of my two works in progress left to tackle, and I did a little editing on it today.

So I'm hoping now that things finally seem to be settling down on the cat front, the writing front can take off. I still miss Bobo, and he's only been gone six weeks. I still haven't given up hope though.


Anonymous said...

Loved the pic!

Crystal* said...

I LOVE Mikey! What a cutie! And it really IS too bad that cats have NO sense of timing, huh?

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