Just Another Manic Monday

Monday, October 13, 2008

Does anyone remember that song? It is one of my favorite songs, and I also seem to think of it on Mondays. I seem to be getting this blog on track. I might miss a day here and there, but I really didn't have much to say here. I didn't want to bore everyone here with my promotional efforts for Celebrity Today because I didn't want to use this site to be all about that. Sure, I do promote it here. Celebrity Today is on the sidebar, but that is it really.

The weather is finally cooling off here. We are at 73 right now instead of 110. This means I'm dealing with allergies, and I am freezing my butt off. I went to the store earlier, and it wasn't even out of the sixties yet. I'm looking at getting an LCD Flat Screen monitor for my computer. I thought I found a great deal on one at Staples, but it might not work with video card. Since it is online only deal, if it doesn't work I'm stuck with it. This isn't acceptable.

The flat screen monitors are so cool though. I will have to keep looking at them. I'm sure I'll find one eventually. This one is fine, so if it decides to die, I know what I'm getting next time I upgrade. Right now, I need to get a new stereo. Mine is pretty much dead. Ugh. What a pain! More later everyone.


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