37. Bit by the lazy bug ...

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Mood: lazy
Music: Whatsername - Green Day

Today I woke up feeling completely totally drained and lazy. I've been puttering around online since I came on a couple of hours, trying to stop being lazy and write in my blog following reading the ones I read on a daily basis. Thanks to those that wished me with the article. Still waiting to hear back, but I'm being positive about it. I was reading over on Crystal's blog earlier about all the waiting us writer's have to go through. The job doesn't end with the writing. It is just the beginning of a very long process. Then you have the submission, the waiting back on that, which can sometimes take weeks or even months. It is a never ending waiting game, and for someone that is impatient, like myself, it makes it a constant battle to stay positive while you are indeed waiting.

Maybe that is why I haven't submitted as much as I could have over the years. The waiting and waiting for a response, and then more often than not getting that ever popular rejection. I have so many short stories or ideas for articles bouncing around my hard drive. Some sit there because I'm not sure where to submit them. I'm working on looking for places, but there are so many out there. Some that pay, and some that do not. For example, I have one 2500 word short that I wrote back in December. With a bit of polishing, I know it could see the light of day somewhere, but I'm not sure where. It has really no sex in it at all. It is one of those sappy sweet short happily ever after stories. I'd like to submit it somewhere, but most places I've seen want sex. They want heat. Yes, I write heat, but this story didn't call for heat!

I also have a few shorts of an erotic nature that could be resubmitted places because they never were excepted elsewhere or I'm waiting to hear back. One I sent out in January, and the editor is still looking for a publisher to pick up the anthology last I heard, which was about six weeks ago. I also have short gay coming out story I wrote for a contest that could probably go somewhere, but I don't know where. I'm rambling away about the stories languishing away on my hard drive. There are so many, and I'm sure everyone's hard drive is the same. Hopefully, I'll get to work some tonight on my submission for Do It Yourself contest. Been bouncing around ideas for it the last couple of days. Also sat down and put a rough draft for the flasher I want to submit to Desdmona contest later this month. I hope this lazy feeling goes away soon!


Crystal* said...

Is the moon in retrograde or what? And what in the hell does that mean exactly? *laughing*
I've been non-productive for the last three days or so. Not for life in general, but for writing.

Crystal* said...

Got any Raid for the lazy bug? Those suckers are everywhere.

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