Wordless Wednesday #6

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ugly Betty is one of my favorite shows of the moment. It's different, and it is funny. Betty is the type of character that says to believe in who you are. Be who makes you happiest. She isn't a ten, but she's happy, and that's all that really matters to her. It's a great show with a great cast. I had my doubts about it when it premiered, but here we are into season two, and I don't see it stopping.


Natalie said...

I love that show! :)

My Wordless Wednesday post is up too! :)

Shelia said...

The message must be getting through, a lot of people love that show! Happy WW! :)

**"Liza"** said...

thats really a funny show..i didnt watch few of and I'm lost in track now..

I watch it sometimes and yeah I think the show is funny.

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