New to me

Thursday, October 11, 2007

I love finding new music. Artists or groups that I'd never heard of before. A few weeks ago I was listening to my play list on random and a song from The Spill Canvas came on. Someone must have sent it to me, and I never listened. I fell in love. I picked up their two past CD's, and their new CD that just came out. I am so in love with their new CD it is so hard for me to pick just one song I love off of it. I've been stuck on Hush Hush for days. I finally listened to the rest of the CD this morning, and Reckless Abandonment is working its way into my head. They are alternative rock if that is your thing. I really love listening to them.

Something else new to me. Bionic Woman. I finally watched the first two episodes, and the show grabbed me from the first ten minutes. I need to watch the episode from last night still. Private Practice didn't click with me at all. They are ruining Addison I think. Bring her back to Grey's! More soon.


utenzi said...

I'm on the other side of the fence regarding Bionic Woman. I really didn't like it at all. I agree with you about Private Practice though.

Regina Avalos said...

I've heard its been getting mixed reviews. I think it just reminds me a bit of Dark Angel, and that's why I like it.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I saw you over at BotB. I love Spill Canvas! If you haven't heard "The Tide" or "All Hail the Heartbreaker" I urge you to listen to them! They're two of my fave songs from that band (also really great live).

Regina Avalos said...

I have the whole discography, but I'm stuck on the latest CD right now. I'll give them a listen. Thanks for commenting!

utenzi said...

I agree with you on the Dark Angel comparison, Regina. I mentioned that to someone else the other day. And while I really liked Dark Angel a lot, not so much Bionic Woman. I'll check out the show again in a few weeks tho, just in case.

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