A productive week!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

That is what this has been. There are a few problem areas, but I'm sure I'll be able to fix those soon. I'm hoping so anyway. I'm moving forward with my new blog over at Today.com. If you haven't checked it out yet, why haven't you?! Kidding kidding. I'm enjoying it though, and I'm also moving forward with my fiction. I wrote a bit in one work in progress earlier this week, and I've been bit by another plot idea that I might try tackling soon. Really soon. The idea keeps popping up in my head, so I'm thinking that is telling me something. Other than that. Life is just good right now. I just want it to keep going that way.

Today's Thursday Threesome is  ::Mark my Words::

Onesome: Mark--ing devices? What do you use to mark things up around the house, school, work, wherever? Does the Sharpie rule? ...or do you believe in the sanctity of the pencil <g>?  - My brother has his sharpie and dry erase pens all over the living room. I'm the standard pen and pencil type of girl. On my computer, I have a sticky note software program with a list of important dates on my desktop screen.

Twosome: "My-- day starts off best when I......" I'll let you fill in the blank at your place!  - When I get up early, and I get things done. If I let things set until later in the day I just feel like I've wasted the day somehow. This is a change for me because a few years ago, I used to sleep in and do everything last. Now I'm up around 7am every morning, and I'm done with my work related things by at the latest ten am.

Threesome: Words-- of a feather clump together? Nah, but hey: what word pairings do you use routinely? Are you into alliteration? ...pithy comments? 'Down home' sayings? Give it up for Thursday! - I seem to have this habit of throwing the word actually around. I see it popping up everywhere, and I am now making a conscious effort of stopping using that word!


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