338. It's A Small World After All

Sunday, July 16, 2006

It's been a couple of days since my last entry. I've been feeling a bit under the weather, so i haven't been doing much of anything since Friday. Good thing it is the weekend, so I have the luxury of not really doing a whole lot. Back on Friday night, I stayed up the latest I've had in weeks. I was turning in as the sun was rising outside, and it was one of those strange nights. Strange but good. I learned once again just how small the online world can be. As I've mentioned, I roleplay a little, and I had joined a new place earlier this week. Well, I was talking to someone there at 3am in the morning, and suddenly it hit me that I knew this person outside of this little roleplay world.

It was someone I used to be friends with and at one point we were quite close. It's been just about a year since we spoke and things fell apart in this friendship of ours. I probably even entries back around that time period in here talking about it. I'd always wondered if there were some kind of hostility there, even after all this time. At the time, it was some huge misunderstand, but things just ended really badly. After talking to this person, we found out it really had been some huge misunderstanding, and there was never any real hate there on either side.

I'm not sure what this means now. Perhaps, it doesn't mean anything. People can come and go in your life all the time. Perhaps there was some reason why I'm meeting up with old friends I had long lost because I not only met up with this one person, but I learned there was also another just as close. Right now, I'm just enjoying things. Other than feeling a bit crappy the last couple of days, things are going really well. Things are starting to click into gear a bit writing wise.

At least my roleplaying has picked up, and I'm still pondering the whole fiction thing. I have one idea I threw out to a friend of mine the other day, and they thought it would really work. It's for a fan fiction story - a cross over of Dark Angel and X-men. I think if done well, the two worlds can be brought together. There are similarities in both that would just make things easier to mesh. So I guess I'll have to see if I'm able to put something together. First order of business though is to stop feeling crappy! Stellar Wind's time here is up this week! Time for me to select a new Blog of the Week! I'll be doing that later tonight or tomorrow.

Have a great Sunday everyone!


That's really cool that you ran into an old friend through your roll playing. Sometimes things happen for a reason...

Thank you so much for letting me hang out on your sidebar this past week!

Anonymous said...

I LLove this blog!


It really is a small world. (Smile) You never know where you'll find that someone has taken a moment to mention you.

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