Thursday Threesome #2

Thursday, March 13, 2008

This week's Thursday Threesome is on: ::Insomnia, the Cure for Sleep::

Onesome: Ever have it?-- Now this is a topic I have too much experience dealing with over the years. There have always been times where I just can't sleep, or if I do fall asleep I find myself waking back up and unable to go back to sleep. This is actually one of those times. The past week or two, I've been dealing with the worst case of insomnia. In bed at 2am, up at 5am anyone? That has been my last two nights.

Twosome: The cure-- The only thing that works for me is just going with it. I don't force myself to lay there and not sleep. I get up. Read a book. Go back online. Usually I end up falling asleep for another couple of hours during the day.

Threesome: for sleepFemale/male, young/not so young, we all need varying amounts of sleep. What's your personal sleep cycle?--  Generally I can get by on five hours a day. Sometimes I'll sleep more or less, but as long as I have my five hours and maybe a catnap during the day I'm good.


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