Thursday's Threesome #4

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Today's Thursday Threesome is ::Something old, Something new, Something borrowed, Something blue::

Onesome: Something old - Do you have anything that you've owned simply forever? A cherished childhood toy, an antique handed down through the family? ...the family Bible?: My doll. My mom gave it to me the Easter I was six years old. The doll is now twenty-six years old, and I still have her. She is just put away at the moment because my cat was being a bit too friendly with her.

Twosome: Something new - Buy anything new lately?: My MP3 Player. The first one I bought broke a couple of days ago, so I went to take it back, and since they gave me store credit I bought this one instead. Double the cost of the first one I picked up, but a lot nicer looking, more features, and a lot less headaches. The first one I bought had been giving me problems since the day I brought it home. The fatal system error might have been a small blessing in disguise.

Threesome: Something borrowed - Have you ever borrowed an item and never returned it?: Yes, the first thing that comes to mind is a CD I borrowed from my prom date oh so very many years ago. The date sucked beyond belief. You want to hear a prom date horror story. I have one. I might share it sometime, but the date was so bad I never spoke to him again, and he never got his CD back either. I still have it. It's a Peter Gabriel CD. The one with all his hits on like Sledgehammer and In Your Eyes.

Bonus: Something blue - Can you see anything blue from where you are? What is it?: A bag of chips my brother bought for me a few days ago.


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