Everything is going my way ...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

At least it feels that way. Yes, the car is going to cost a lot to fix, but it should be ready tomorrow. After that, the car should be in perfect shape for a car its age. Things are just going well in other areas of my life. A few months ago, I was in horrible shape, but my outlook on life has changed. It has been  a complete turnaround. I'm exhausted at the end of the day because I'm writing all day. It's good. My mind is working again. Now I just need to get into fiction mode again. That is the next step. One thing at a time. That is always the best way to approach things I think. Sort of like that old television show I remember watching growing - One day at a time. That is one of my life philosophies, and it has always worked for me.


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