Nothing like starting off your day with a cold shower! Yes, that is sarcasm. The thing is the shower didn't start that way. The shower started off nice and hot, perfect temperature actually. Just as I put the shampoo in my hair, the hot water went off in my apartment. Third time that has happened this month! Try standing under a cold spray trying to get all the shampoo out of long hair. Not fun. My day has been on the go for a couple of hours now though. I've been doing my daily run around online. I have a routine in place, and while running around this morning I found this site called Spock. It caught my eye because it automatically made me think of Star Trek, and there has been a lot of buzz about that lately with the new movie soon to be in production and out in time by the next time the holidays come around. This site has nothing to do with Star Trek though. You won't be taken into the great unknown, but you might be able to find people. Using this site, you can find people using a variety of search terms. You can find either that person you lost contact with years ago, or you can find people in the same city as you. Want to find someone that has a similar interest as you? You can do that too. The site is easy to navigate, and once I decided to play around with it a bit, it only took me a few seconds to register. After checking my spam filter for the sign-up email I was good to go. I've lost touch with so many people over the years, it might be nice to actually find some of them again. It might also be nice to use the site to make new friends to talk over things with. People that watch the same shows or listen to the same music that I do.
To try out the site this morning, I pulled up a quick search on Australian Actors. I've mentioned that I enjoy actors from Australia before on this blog. When I searched this morning, I was expecting the usual suspects to come up, and they did as you can see below. I see myself using this site more in the future. Might even find an old friend or two!
Now I'm off to warm up some of that left over pizza I have in the fridge. Such a nutritional breakfast I know!
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